Thursday, March 14, 2013


This is our cat that I mentioned in the previous post. I am broken we had to give him up. We've had him for the past almost 3 years, since he was a kitten. He has always kind of had an attitude especially towards others but here lately it has been towards everyone, especially PJ.I think maybe it was because Madison and I left for a little under a month and he was ticked at us for leaving him and took it out on him. I have no idea. But he was out of control and when he charged at me I was done. I am broken but I know that this was for the best. I hope he can find a good home and soon. Simba, I love you and miss you so much it hurts. Nothing will replace you little buddy. </3 *trying to hold back tears* :(

My Family

About 5 blogs late I think I am actually ready to sit down and remember to post on one of them. Guess we will find out here soon won't we? lol.

This is my family, minus the 2 dogs and kitty (which whom we had to give up because of reason that I will eventually talk about on here) The husband- Payton, the daughter- Madison, and the wife- myself. Payton works in the USAF on KC10s, I am a stay at home mom and aspiring photographer, Madison is well just what she looks like a baby. She is our world and keeps us busy! Most of my post will PROBABLY be about her.... so prepare yourself.